Mar 10, 2008

A success material

The church is having Pat Mesiti for the weekend services till this Tuesday night, teaching on biblical economics, how we should be the top and not beneath in the marketplace.

Passion will lead you to success. And along the road to success, there must be an element of commitment to growth, focus, etc

I was reminded of the phrase that Pastor mentioned, "The head, the heart and the pocket".
Many Christians claimed themselves to have big heart, but the head is empty.
Some have the head and heart, but pocket is still empty.
That is so sad.

I must agree that Christians should be the head and not the tail. However, I'm seeing it everyday people can literally take this to their heart and yet they are not doing anything about it. What makes you think that just by knowing it and claim yourselves to be successful, will not lead you to success someday?

I agree the success starts in the mind, but we do need to work towards success.

What is success to you?

A goal? A dream? Or a state of life? Nobody can bring anything away from the world to heaven. Poverty mindset keeps us away from success.

What are you doing towards "success"?

When was the last time you did the something for the first time? -- Pat Mesiti

Are you merely following instructions? Or do we TRULY understand why and what need to be done?

How do you see a problem? Are we able to recognize a problem or unconsciously we are living as a victim of the effect of a problem? Even so if you know about it, what will you do about it?

Today, I approached a question, with a question. I do not know if I should do it.. But I sincerely hope that it is the best for both of us.

We are ought to be a good steward of our life. Even if your life is worth 2 talents, don't bury it to the graveyard.

How many cycles of 20 years then will us choose to realize that the decision we made was not wise?

Don't be a fool. Don't be a scorner. Choose life. Seek wisdom.

We should plan for our life. And God will direct our paths.

1 comment:

Jin said...

truly alot people like to work harder with the blunt axe...


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