Jan 10, 2008

Things that I do when you are not around

1. I woke up early feeling hungry. My attempt to cook breakfast failed when Greg and Jenn woke up during breakfast making in progress and there we went to KL (Yes KL) to eat breakfast.


2. Then we went home and I started to pack/unpack and did some laundry. Posted up photos and wrote an entry earlier...

3. You called. We talked.

4. MSN and kacau-ed Patz to make her jealous because she needs to work today because Singapore doesn't celebrate Awal Muharam while I am off to bed soon.


5. I woke up again and went to get my monthly hair cut and eye brow trimming. Brought Kelly and apparently I see light and smile from her face after she got her hair trimmed. What a magic hand or scissor. I think my hair stylist should thank me for bringing in customerssssssss.

6. Got my eye brow trimmed and was served by a different person. She tried to promote her products and I gave her a blank-you-please-shut-up-I-am-not-interested-at-all face when she commented my face is dry.

7. Went to the bank to withdraw cash to deposit it into the the yellow bank because I am so afraid that of interest charges (as my goal this year is Zero the Hero - interest free installment, interest free charges from the bank). UNFORTUNATELY, as I stepped into the yellow bank, all the cash deposit machine is out of service. Oh I tell you I feel so star star hash hash moon moon about it.

8. We bought the tao-fu-fah for the first time in so many years.

9. Had dinner with Kelly.

10. Had dinner with Greg and Jenn.


11. Preparing for cell groups sermons and worship.

12. Packing and leaving to Kelly's place.

13. I will tarry for 30 more days.


Jin said...

14. I love Laverne

Patz said...

I luv Laverne Too....HAHAHAHA..

So sad today I work while u r enjoyin holiday !! Spore dun celebrate Awal Muharam!!!!


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