Dec 25, 2007

Christmas 2007

Last year, we called our moms on how to fry calamari during our Christmas dinner. Today, I called my mom again to ask her how to cook curry chicken.

Yes. It started with an intention to cook for darling but we guess it is more fun to have a Christmas Big Dinner. Decision was only made at 3pm so we had few special guests to join us for the dinner.

What's on the Menu: (Best to Worst Taste)
***** Herbal Chicken Soup
**** Deep Fried Calamari "Fillet"
*** Scrambled Eggs (with a lot of onions)
** Curry Chicken (very Indian kind...)
* Super Tasteless Fried Kai Lan


: Peach+Longan
: Honey Jelly

The honored guests were very kind and they brought a bottle of wine. We had it as punishment for our card games.

Neopolitan ice cream and cheese super ring snacks were served during the movie - The Kingdom.

Oh did I tell you that dinner was over in 20 minutes and then we cleaned the dining room and kitchen.


Merry Christmas 2007.



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