Nov 11, 2007

life life life

when you are younger, you are expected to attend your parents' friend's kid's birthday parties, parents' friends' parents birthday parties, attend parent's friends' kid's wedding parties, etc.

when you start to know more friends in school, you look forward for your birthday parties, your friends' birthday parties, class parties, etc.

when you are getting a little older you start to organize late night parties, wild nights out, surprise birthday parties, attending graduation parties, club parties, school proms, and yes, also parents' friend's son/daughter's wedding parties.

then slowly you will attend work anniversary parties, work outing parties, after work wild night parties, and also bridal showers, friends' weddings and weddings and weddings, friends' kids' full moon parties, friends' kids birthday parties, etc. (and of course funeral)


i'm going singapore this weekend! not to attend any wedding but to attend weekend service.

very the excited.

ok, back to my book!


Patz said...

Life really pass by at the moment we didn't realize it.....but wat to do? I guess that's life about...Let's cheer for our 24th now..

laverne said...

ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! age is a secret!!!


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