Jun 14, 2007

A Million Things Over My MIND

If everything that runs through my mind worst RM1, I am a very RICH person.
What's the point of this statement, I don't know. I've just decided to be Laverne Chee.


I had a weird dream; Jin had a nightmare. I don't like it. This kind of feeling, I dont like it. Feeling lost, real, unreal the moment I wake up. I feel very tired these few days, maybe because I forgot to have my daily chicken stock before I go to work. For the past two days I woke up seeing SMSes sent the night before. Not a good sign. Because I believe all my friends are very considerable and they don't send me latenight SMSes...and these few days I have about 2-3 SMSes that was in my inbox 'overnight'...

There are a million things that I want to do...and again if they can be convereted to be RM1 per task, I will be very very very RICH person also.

I miss AH PAT. I want go singa pura pura.
Dear, can we have a road trip?

Alright I think I sounds a bit desparate for money. I can sense it already. It's time to seek the face of the creator of riches...and OPEN THE FLOOD GATES OF HAVEN!!!!!!!!!

Hope you guys are OK!


1 comment:

Patz said...

Am I too late to reply? It's 10+ days from your blog. I MISS YOU TOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!To be more detail, I miss those life!!!!!!!!!!!!!

When you wanto come jeh?


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