Jul 10, 2008

He was holding my hands...

I realized that people nowadays hardly blog how they used to in the past.

I started writing in the lowest pit of my life back in err.. year 2002 or 2003. I chose to close myself up by not talking to people and stopped praying. I thought I needed to express my emotions somehow and then I start writing down all of them. I must admit that it was a process for me to walk out from the past. Thank god for sending the right people in my life. It took a while to heal the pain and Jesus restored my heart completely when I allowed Him to. It was a long and hard journey. But God came.

The decision to delete the previous blog happened naturally. I was reading it from the first entry , and I actually read it one after another until the last post. And while reading through them, I was quite surprised of the things I wrote because I literally do not remember most of them. It must be God. And I thought, it was just too much if I were to go through all them again. So I took courage to click the delete button. I doubted a while. But in the end, the moment when I hit the delete button, that moment was magical. To me, it is symbolic because I was telling God that I do not want them anymore and let's have a new start.

And I never regret about it.

I've learnt that it is important to remember the good things. God gave us a memory and to remember the good things. Paul depended on his memory to kept him going throughout his mission work. I know God wants me to His goodness and faithfulness so that it kept me moving on.

You were holding my hands all these while...

And I thank You for that.

1 comment:

Harry said...

thank you. =)


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