Aug 29, 2010


Never under estimate how God can speak into our lives...

Today's message is great. Thought it was so specific and meant for me. I still remember when I was younger, I was always closer to my dad. But there was this rebellious period that I painted the "no smoking" sign and stick it next to the TV so that my dad can see it. He took it down and I drew and pasted it back, it just take little things to break our father's heart...I was so blinded..

God is funny..He must know that I dislike driving (especially at night) so much...come to think about it, God always speak to me on my journey driving home. Today's journey home is amazing. I prayed for every single person in my cell groups. I am just so thankful for each and everyone of you. 

You have changed so much.
You have a beautiful spirit.
You have a faithful heart.
You always go extra mile.
You helped me.
You understand me.

You guys just made my day..

Posted via email from lavernechee's posterous

Aug 27, 2010

Hey ya

Friday is so beautiful today.

Woke up at 9:18am with my heart perfectly contented. Spent the while morning alone in the house talking to god is so good. With the long hours of sleep and this 2 hours of rest, I'm ready and exciting preparing for this great weekend.

Life's good. Choose life!

Sent from my iPhone

Posted via email from lavernechee's posterous

Aug 20, 2010

well done daniel kuilan

this is for you bro. you have passed the test. 200 words of the word "building" nicely hand written as a gesture of late obedience..

though i don't know where the paper is, but this photo shall be a (reminder for you and) remembrance of a good testimony..

hua hua hua

Posted via email from lavernechee's posterous

Aug 16, 2010

Sneak peak of what's on the menu tonight..

That's right, we are cooking tonight. We are having...

1. Minestrone soup
2. My favourite bacon wrapped asparagus
3. Grilled mixed vegetables
4. Perfect baked potato
5. Grilled marinated beef steak

Yummy. :)

Posted via email from lavernechee's posterous

Aug 15, 2010

food talk

the topic may always sound sinful in a malaysian context...but no, this is a healthy post..

recently i'm so into recipe and diet plan.
yes i'm very much convicted to live healthier after my DVT case.
partly also because the red color glass on jin's kitchen always attracts me to go and explore the fridge and kitchen environment.
i've been cooking asparagus and asparagus and asparagus. jin and i love it. 
i can have fried asparagus alone for dinner happily to replace my love for rice.
just came through an article about cinnamon. it is good for me coz it has anti-clotting effect on the blood
gonna explore this and it shall be one of my breakfast one of these days...

Posted via email from lavernechee's posterous

Aug 11, 2010


I know I've probably written this for the third time but...yes, today we had our first meeting with staff of the new company. I feel really good... So the upcoming schedule would be..meeting contractor, some quick fix for floor/ceiling/lighting points, furniture shopping and wall painting very soon.

It's a busy week ahead. changing sermon 'coz we are expecting 2-3 new friends for this week's cg meeting. I am also charting out the acoustic guitar syllabus for my students. I guess the best way to learn is to teach what you have learnt I guess. So I am expecting to see 2 cg guitarists at the end of this 4 basic lessons.

new work. study group. guitar class. these summarize my month of August.

Posted via email from lavernechee's posterous

Aug 2, 2010

vchuan Will's new video 陳威全《再見,單身》

穿梭幕前幕後 起伏五年

新生代最暢銷創作人 陳威全
期待已久 首張專情輯《再見,單身




Posted via email from lavernechee's posterous


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