Never under estimate how God can speak into our lives...
Today's message is great. Thought it was so specific and meant for me. I still remember when I was younger, I was always closer to my dad. But there was this rebellious period that I painted the "no smoking" sign and stick it next to the TV so that my dad can see it. He took it down and I drew and pasted it back, it just take little things to break our father's heart...I was so blinded..
God is funny..He must know that I dislike driving (especially at night) so much...come to think about it, God always speak to me on my journey driving home. Today's journey home is amazing. I prayed for every single person in my cell groups. I am just so thankful for each and everyone of you.
You have changed so much.
You have a beautiful spirit.
You have a faithful heart.
You always go extra mile.
You helped me.
You understand me.
You guys just made my day..