Jan 11, 2008

As I look back

My heart was unsettled. I was worried. Time is ticking and I was late. I was imagining them feeling lost as they couldn't find me. I rehearsed the things I wanted to say in my head and I was prepared to apologize.

But I didn't manage to tell them I am sorry.

I almost forgot how disappointed I was the moment I walked out from the room and I only saw one person standing there waiting for me. I couldn't control my emotions but I manage to keep myself silent without a word.

Where were the rest?

"They were in a hurry."

I thought some of them might have just forgot what I've said earlier.

I thought some of them might think the things I said are NOT important at all.

I thought some of them might be ignorant enough to go against what I've asked.

Whatever it is... I think I am ready to let it go.

I was thinking hard on how to communicate this feeling to them. I thought this may be important to them.


Maybe not? I don't know.

I really don't know.

I appreciate the least of the thing the person did.

Thank you for waiting for me.

Thank you for remembering what I've said.


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