Feb 26, 2007

philosophy ^

Calm - What we all need

Create - Our favorite!
Pause - For the uber busy
Begin - The first step to everything
Dream - When all else fails
Think - To find the solution

Feb 25, 2007

idiotic devil

tuhan baik; satan jahat.

damn the evil ones.

so happy

so happy that malaysia got a new young pastor!

so happy that my brother is getting married this saturday!!

so happy!!


s i G n s

1. When I look at them, my heart is sad. Look to God, the only reason I'll go on.

2. I can't change the season; I change according to the season.

3. Awaiting...

Feb 11, 2007

cny is coming

went for a hair cut. the hair stylist is quite cute. but then i don't really like my hair. although it is better than my previous hair condition. dead ends split ends were cut. my hair is 3 inches shorter now... come to think about it, I feel like I'm oblighted to cut hair more than wanting to get a new hairstyle...weird feeling. probably will do a highlight soon...for greg's wedding.

i wanted to buy tau fu fa but end up getting warm soya milk...

i cleaned the toilet...

went ikea with jin. he had meatballs and i had fish and chips. yes FISHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHh.
had an argument and i feel like vomitting the whole fish out.
i sapu-ed quite a lot of things in ikea... and the ikea assistant cannot make it larr...JDKHsjkhfjskdhfsjdkfs


memorizing the song lyrics...

churching on sunday, and cg too.

jin must be pretty ganjeong...i'm attending his cg for the first time later.


Feb 10, 2007

life in spire

many have heard but how many know it by heart?
many have known but how many is willing to believe?

at this point of my life, i am blessed.
and the best is still yet to come.

i appreciate honor, respect and lots of love around me.
they are simply amazing.
you guys are amazing.
life is little dull without your presence.

i will miss the laughter, i will miss the jokes.
and i really do happy for you.

this is really true. people may fail you.
even for ourselves, we fail the one who loves us the most.
fallen world. fallen short from the glory.
but grace alone is more than enough.

at the end of the day, what really matters is between me and god.
i love god. loving god more than yesterday.

in His eyes, one is unique, one is special and one is the only star.
in my eyes, He is the only one, He is the special one and He is my only reward and promise.

You alone, make life beautiful.

bok tak blak

Feb 6, 2007

The Sixth-Tuesday

I reached home @ 9pm. Hungry, and I feel fat. Not just feel but that is what I see in the mirror...

I had King's portugese tart before going back to office just now. Yummy.
I love portugese tart more than tong-gei egg tart. Sorry tong-gei...hehehe...

Jin bought dinner for me. And passed my back my house keys.
I couldn't make it for the meeting tonight.
I want to finish up the follow up works.

Kar wai joined the Ops for the first day today. I hope that he is coping it well. Haha!

I had soup for my dinner. And I cooked mee+egg+chicken....oh....oh.....oh....

I think I deserve a good rest tonight. Oh yes, I am quite happy.

I got my name card already.

My thoughts are everywhere. You enjoy so far?
Erm, so why happy. Right... I enjoy what I'm doing now...although I am seeking a balance for them...but this is the sowing season of my life...to learn to give more to lay the foundations in my relationship with God, family, jin, work and ministry. I have a good feeling towards it.

Oh yes, i miss you my friends. was reading your blogs...aiya

just miss you all lar!!!!

I'm stealing time to get my passport done.

Feb 4, 2007

think pad

"Giving our best, is a personal calling..."
--Sidney Mohede

A word of season reminded me God's faithfulness in my life. Again, I rededicate my life this year to one who authors it. Ten months of equipping, experiencing tangible love and restoration has brought me to a new chapter of my life. Letting go and letting God, may this be a remarkable event in heaven.

Spending a short weekend with wonderful people, wonderful friends. Seeing them just make my heart feel warm. Good food, good time together. I realize this time we didn't take a lot of photos. Haha, let them reside in our head and hearts...

I feel that we have been thinkng a lot...well, whatever it may be, God will make thing turns beautiful in its time. All the sowing of tears from our hearts He remembers. His Word will never change. I remember a scene during our last preaching test when I was preaching about revival. A persona revival starts from our heart when we decided to run the race and the key is to learn to see from the finishing line - that God is there, seeing our triumph coming to past.

Love is patient and kind. Love is not jealous or boastful or proud
or rude. It does not demand its own way. It is not irritable, and it keeps no record of being wronged. It does not rejoice about injustice bufet rejoices whenever the truth wins out. Love never gives up, never loses faith, is always hopeful, and endures through every circumstance.


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